
MRCP Part 2: Get to Know the Written Examination in Detail

23 May 2023
Home MRCP Part 2: Get to Know the Written Examination in Detail

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Physicians in training can attempt the MRCP Part 2 written exam. Beside, they should have passed the MRCP Part 1 exam to be eligible to sit this exam. It further builds on the knowledge assessed in Part 1. Read on to know more.
The MRCP Part 2 exam tests the acquisition of a representative sample of medical knowledge, skills and behaviour. Moreover, these are specified in the UK Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training/Curriculum for Internal Medicine.

Exam Structure

The exam consists of two, three-hour papers each with 100 questions. The exam will further test your ability to apply clinical understanding and make clinical judgments. In addition, it will also evaluate your ability to prioritize diagnostic or problem lists.
Furthermore, your skills at planning investigation and selecting a plan for immediate management will also be analyzed. In addition, selection of your plan for long term management and assessment of prognosis will also be evaluated.

Exam At a Glance

Two papers are taken on one day. The papers last three hours. Furthermore, there are 100 multiple choice questions (best of five) per paper. There will be five options – one correct answer and four alternatives to the correct answer.
The four distractors will be closely related to the preferred option, but less correct. Besides, they act as plausible alternatives. The candidate has to choose the best answer from the five possible answers. Each correct answer is awarded one mark. There is no negative marking. The questions include images.

The exam is computer based and is administered by Surpass at a test centre internationally. It is also conducted online using a proctoring service in the UK.

The UK online version of Part 2 exam was introduced in 2020. The exam is taken using a proctoring service. This is available for candidates within the UK and Republic of Ireland. Delivery is the same as the centre- based exam in terms of content and format.

Question Content

The questions will usually have a clinical scenario. It may also include results of investigations which will be illustrated with images such as clinical photographs, pathology slides, inheritance trees, ECGs, X-rays, CT and MR scans, and echocardiograms.
Questions are asked about the diagnosis, investigation, management and prognosis of patients using multiple choice questions.

Applying For the Exam

Online Application

You can apply online for the exam through the official website of MRCP(UK). You need to log in to your MRCP (UK) account first. Make sure that all your personal details are up-to-date. Enter details about whether you are working in the UK or not.

Choose a centre where you would like to take the exam. You need to complete any special arrangements where applicable and then pay for the exam.

If you are unable to make an application online, request for a paper application form. Previously saved or stored paper applications will not be accepted.

Hope you found this information useful. All the best for your exams!

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