
MRCP Eligibility Criteria; In a Nutshell

23 Apr 2023
Home MRCP Eligibility Criteria; In a Nutshell

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Are you a physician with a dream of practicing internal medicine in the UK? If so, the Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (MRCP) is a prestigious postgraduate medical qualification that can open up a world of opportunities for you. Here, we’ll provide a concise overview of the eligibility criteria you should consider when applying for the MRCP examination.

The MRCP examination, conducted by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), consists of three parts. Upon successful completion of the MRCP Part 1, Part 2 and PACES exams, the aspirants are awarded RCP membership,. This MRCP qualification is a mandatory requirement for building a medical career in the UK.

Eligibility criteria

International medical graduates from any country can sit for the MRCP examinations if they meet the certain eligibility criteria: Let’s delve into the eligibility requirements to apply for the MRCP examination.

Medical Degree

To be eligible for MRCP, you must hold a medical degree from an institution recognized by the General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom. It’s essential to be registered with the GMC or a recognized medical regulatory authority outside the UK. Medical registration is a prerequisite for MRCP application.

MRCP Part 1

If you are looking to take MRCP Part 1, you should have completed a minimum of 12 months of postgraduate medical training. Ensure that your training program is accepted by the GMC or a recognized medical regulatory authority outside of the United Kingdom.

MRCP Part 2

The MRCP Part 2 aspirants must have passed Part 1 within the last seven years. Additionally, you should have a total of at least 36 months of clinical experience, which can include both pre- and post-registration experience.


You can apply for MRCP PACES even without completing Part 2. However, it’s advisable to complete both Part 1 and Part 2 before attempting PACES. Statistics indicate that candidates who pass Part 2 before taking PACES have higher success rates .So, it is better to clear both Part 1 and Part 2 before taking PACES. Here also, It is mandatory to pass the Part 1 examination within the last 7 years.

Before applying for the MRCP examination, carefully review these eligibility criteria. If you meet the requirements, embark on your preparation journey. Remember, attaining MRCP qualification can open doors to a fulfilling career in Internal Medicine. The world of Internal Medicine is waiting for you! All the best!

For more information on MRCP eligibility and guidance on your journey, Please feel free to contact StudyMRCP team.

By : admin

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